Anonymous said... The only reason coca-leaf is and remains illegal is because the tobacco, coffee, and pharmaceutical industries [and their masters] don't want the American people or the world to find out that chewing coca-leaves and drinking the tea is a toxic-free way to get the mild euphoric stimulation and anti-depressive effects that these industries want to keep their grip on. You are absolutly wrong if you think that coca-leaf will not be a MAJOR cash-cow once legal for the coca-producing countries. look how many millions of people die each year from tobacco, the biggest killer-drug in history. [also, look at how Coca was viewed positively for getting people off of Tobacco, and where within the U.S. government the stupidly generalized crusade against 'cocaine' emerged- the USDA - Department of Agriculture, established by Abraham Lincoln in 1862 for promoting domestic U.S. agrilculture, and in such things as a 1910 U.S.D.A. Farmer's Journal Habit-Forming Agents: Their Indiscriminate Sale and Use A Menace to the Public Welfare warning of Coca's popularity in the southeastern U.S. and its use as a 'Tobacco Habit Cure']. The fact that there IS so much potential money in it for the latin-american countries that can grow it is precicely WHY it is being kept illegal.
Was the government to prescribe to us our medicine and diet, our bodies would be in such keeping as our souls are now- Thomas Jefferson
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Why Coca Is and Remains Illegal
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