Was the government to prescribe to us our medicine and diet, our bodies would be in such keeping as our souls are now- Thomas Jefferson
Saturday, December 18, 2010
172nd anniversary birthdate of Angelo Francois Mariani
Popularizer of Coca, inventer of Vin Mariani
Monday, December 6, 2010
Top Anti Researcher 180

June 4th, 2009 § 11 Comments
Over and over again, all the bad things we’ve been told about marijuana are revealed to be not only false, but often the precise opposite of the truth. So the next time someone tells you that marijuana is worse for your lungs than cigarettes, you might want to mention that the world’s leading expert on that subject happens to be a supporter of legalization.
(Source) 6.03.09
For 30 years, Donald Tashkin has studied the effects of marijuana on lung function. His work has been funded by the vehemently anti-marijuana National Institute on Drug Abuse, which has long sought to demonstrate that marijuana causes lung cancer. After 3 decades of anti-drug research, here’s what Tashkin has to say about marijuana laws:
“Early on, when our research appeared as if there would be a negative impact on lung health, I was opposed to legalization because I thought it would lead to increased use and that would lead to increased health effects,” Tashkin says. “But at this point, I’d be in favor of legalization. I wouldn’t encourage anybody to smoke any substances. But I don’t think it should be stigmatized as an illegal substance. Tobacco smoking causes far more harm. And in terms of an intoxicant, alcohol causes far more harm.” [McClatchy]
We’ve been told a thousand times that marijuana destroys your lungs, that it’s 5 times worse than cigarettes, and on and on. Yet here is Donald Tashkin, literally the top expert in the world when it comes to marijuana and lung health, telling us it’s time to legalize marijuana. His views are shaped not by ideology, but rather by the 30 years he spent studying the issue. He didn’t expect the science to come out in favor of marijuana, but that’s what happened and he’s willing to admit it.
Here’s the study that really turned things around:
UCLA’s Tashkin studied heavy marijuana smokers to determine whether the use led to increased risk of lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD. He hypothesized that there would be a definitive link between cancer and marijuana smoking, but the results proved otherwise.
“What we found instead was no association and even a suggestion of some protective effect,” says Tashkin, whose research was the largest case-control study ever conducted.
Prejudice against marijuana and smoking in general runs so deep for many people that it just seems inconceivable that marijuana could actually reduce the risk of lung cancer. But that’s what the data shows and it not only demolishes a major tenet of popular anti-pot propaganda, but also points towards a potentially groundbreaking opportunity to develop cancer cures through marijuana research.
Over and over again, all the bad things we’ve been told about marijuana are revealed to be not only false, but often the precise opposite of the truth. So the next time someone tells you that marijuana is worse for your lungs than cigarettes, you might want to mention that the world’s leading expert on that subject happens to be a supporter of legalization.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Douglas Willinger on Time4Hemp Oct 12, 2010

Is mislabeled, with my name Douglas Willinger appearing at October 5 instead of October 12, 2010
I start about the iron law of prohibition- the shift of cocaine use from dilute to concentrated.
I then point out it the evil of this as done to protect the cigarette industry- with the USDA complaint about coca sold as a tobacco habit cure, considering the reletive effects of tobacco and coca, its way worse then drug policy reformists let on.
I point out that legalization is not anarchy. Prior to the early 1900s, but after the introduction of concentrated pharmaceutical derivitives such as cocaine hci and morphine, in chrystallyne form or liquid for hypodermic injection (a mistake with cocaine!) numerous jurisdictions enacted basic public safety laws of requiring warning 'POISON' labeling and even prescription requirments- hence providing the minimal police powers for safeguarding people's health. It was with the new drug control statutes of the early 1900s, in the U.S. culminating in the 'Harrison Narcotics Tax Act' of 1914 removing bulky dilute coca products from the market effectively giving a cocaine monopoly to the concentrated drug.
I note the time line, with the anti cocaine campaign in the United States of America popping up cir 1904-05 via USDA and AMA-'APhA's Harvey Washington Wiley, just after the 2nd time that Vin Mariani entrepeneur Angelo Francois Mariani recieved a gold papal medel declaring him a benefactor of humanity from the Vatican. I point out how the facts point to the Vatican, such as the USDA-AMA-APhA's Harvey Washington Wiley being a 'Knight'- a term applicable to a Vatican religous order such as the Knights of Malta to which his drug war collaborator William Randolph Hearst belonged. I then point out how the RCC involvement with the drug war dates back at least to the late 1400s with Pope Innocent VIII.
I note that we are talking about MAJOR agrilcultural commodities. Such as Coffee, and Tobacco.
I note the drug policy reform dynamics happen as slowly as possible, and that we have resources that could be better utilized.
I recommend my blog "Freedom of Medicine and Diet", particularly an article "Coca Comeback"
And I point out the basic absuridity of the reality of the exemption of alcoholic beverages, cosmetics and cigarettes from the basic product retail labeling requirments for INGREDIENTS- a most basic concept that the US Pure Foods and Drugs Act established an inconsistency by only requiring labeling of some drugs, e.g. cocaine but not caffeine or nicotine, and by exempting tobacco via its exclusion of authoruty of substances to only those within the US Pharmacopeia- from which tobacco was deleted in 1905!
Time 4 Hemp
Host: Casper Leitch
Website: www.time4hemp.com
Guest Schedule: T4H GUEST CALENDAR
Program Archives
Call-in Number:
(402) 237 - 2525
Time: Weeknights, 11:00 pm - Midnight Central
Casper Leitch got involved in the hemp movement in 1990 and launched the cable television series 'Time 4 Hemp' on January 5, 1991. It was the first television series in the history of broadcasting to focus strictly on the topic of cannabis, thus giving Casper the dubious honor of being known as 'The Father of Marijuana Television'. He was a participant in the United States Government Funded 'UCLA Smoked Marijuana Study' headed by Dr. Donald Tashkin and is the first person in the world have television filmed footage of themselves smoking legal marijuana in a Government funded lab.
Over the years, 'Time 4 Hemp' has remained on the cutting edge of the Marijuana Movement by opening the Time4Hemp.com website in 1999 and being one of the first sites to offer free audio and video downloads. On July 4, 2007, the first segment of the 'Time 4 Hemp - TODAY PotCast' was released and six months later, the 'Time 4 Hemp - MUSIC PotCast' made its debut. Both now rank in the number one and number two spots when the word 'hemp' is typed into the iTunes search engine.
Past guests on the series include Dr. Tim Leary; Willie Nelson; Congressman Barney Frank; Keith Stroup (founder of NORML); David Boaz (Co-founder of the CATO Institute); Kevin Zeese (Co-founder of the Drug Policy Foundation); Ethan Nadelmann (Founder of the Drug Policy Alliance); Judge James Gray; Marc Emery (founder of Cannabis Culture Magazine); Ed Rosenthal (Co-founder of High Times Magazine); Steve Hager (editor of High Times Magazine); and Eddy Lepp (Hero of the Marijuana Movement).
Friday, December 3, 2010
Continuing Delusion: CBN- Virginia Masonic Dope
A prime example of societal elite* (*masonic-fraternal order) rot

Everytime I've heard Pat Robertson mention Marijaunna, it's in a derogatory manner as if the government position was correct, and reflects throughout his 'Christian Briadcasting Network'. Some examples:
http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/us/2010/November/Ex-Addict-Joins-Fight-against-Califs-Prop-19/And stuff as this:
"It gives people the personal freedom they deserve," said one proponent of legalizing marijuana. "It also stimulates the economy which I really feel we could use in America right now, especially in California."
If the initiative passes, it would allow the drug to be sold in store and taxed, just like cigarettes.
But some officials say the revenue projections are overstated.
"The supporters of Prop 19, of course, advance some wildly over-inflated tax estimates," California Assemblyman Chuck DeVore said. "What they seem to forget is that cannabus grows naturally in North America. If it gets too high - (people) will just grow their own and the state won't get any tax money to speak of."
At the Richard Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, Calif., supporters of family values joined Advocates for Faith and Freedom during a fundraising event to push back the liberal agenda on marijuana.
"I've got four kids. I'm really concerned about what this is going to mean to our future generations believing that marijuana is just like another cigarette," said Robert Tyler, general counsel for the group.
Meanwhile, people like Lambert are hoping and praying California won't learn the hard way like the state of Alaska, who legalized marijuana in the 1980s. The Last Frontier State reversed its decision in 1990 when pot use among teens doubled. "I'm passionate about it because I used it for several years," Lambert said. "I would be like the rest of these people who are strung out on pot for so many years."
We're seeing very casual treatments of that on shows that are very popular with young viewers including "Family Guy, The Cleveland Show, American Dad," Melissa Henson, a PTC spokesperson said. "All of which are animated programs and some of the highest rated programs among viewers as young as two to 11 and also very popular with teenagers 12-17 who are extremely impressionable at that age."
Historically we've seen marijuana use on TV portrayed negatively, such as in the context of an arrest or a precursor to another crime. But not anymore.
"If teens see attractive characters using pot recreationally with no consequences they come to view that as not only okay behavior, but even normal, acceptable, mainstream behavior," Henson said.
While pot smoking on TV is on the rise, cigarette smoking has decreased, purportedly because of the health risks of kids imitating what they see on TV.
CBN acts as if its oblivious to the reality that cigarettes have killed some 100 million people during the last century and is estimated to take some 1 billion this century (WHO figures), while MJ which is one of the least toxic sustances known is something to be feared as an alternative to cigarettes or alcohol.
Such is a strange attitude for a 'Christian',
King James Version- Genesis 1:29
And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which [is] upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which [is] the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
Yet it's par for the course for a political status quo of fraternal order minions.
Marijuana Versus Virginia Bright Leaf Adulterated Cigarettes
Marijuana Versus Alcohol Beverages
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Continuing Delusion- Supposed "Conservatism"

The case against legalizing marijuana in California
Edwin Meese III is a former attorney general of the United States and chairman of the Heritage Foundation's Center for Legal and Judicial Studies
Charles Stimson is a senior legal fellow at Heritage and author of Legalizing Marijuana: Why Citizens Should Just Say No
Advocates of legalizing marijuana have been blowing a lot of smoke in the debate over California's Proposition 19.
For starters, there's the fiction that marijuana is no different from alcohol. Indeed, the difference in health effects is striking.
The benefits of moderate alcohol consumption - reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, gallstones, diabetes, and death from a heart attack - are well-documented. There's even evidence that alcohol helps keep the mind sharp as one ages.No one has ever associated pot consumption with mental acuity. Quite the opposite: Marijuana use has been shown to impair memory and inhibit learning ability. Among students, marijuana use is strongly associated with lower test scores and lower educational attainment. Chemically, marijuana is more like "harder" drugs - cocaine, heroin, speed, and the psychedelics - than a glass of wine or a cocktail. One study found that extended use may even lead to psychosis.
There are physical effects, too. Lung researchers report that smoking a couple of joints does more damage than a whole pack of Marlboros, and contains toxic compounds like ammonia and hydrogen cyanide. For many, pot is addictive. A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that more than 30 percent of pot smokers were dependent on the drug to the point of demonstrating signs of withdrawal and compulsive behavior. Reports from drug-abuse help lines and treatment facilities show that marijuana addiction is a major problem.
Negative social effects abound as well. Take crime. Amsterdam shows what happens when marijuana is available, legally and in abundance. Amsterdam is one of Europe's most violent cities, and Dutch officials pin the blame on their liberal drug policies. A report by four government ministries finds that drug-related crime places a heavy burden on local authorities and that criminal organizations are increasingly muscling their way into the drug market, using it as a base for international operations.
As California debates legalization, Dutch officials are retooling their laws and shutting down marijuana dispensaries "to tackle the nuisance associated with them and manage crime risks more effectively."
Legalization hasn't helped the Dutch keep marijuana from minors either. Marijuana use is higher among children there than anywhere else in Europe.
Legalization also alters social norms. More Dutch children smoke pot because the social stigma
against it has dissipated. The same thing will happen in California if Prop 19 is passed next month.Prop 19 pushers argue that by taxing and regulating marijuana, the state will reap a tax windfall. But the act would let every landowner grow enough marijuana to produce 24,000 to 240,000 joints a year for "personal consumption." Who would pay the $50-per-ounce tax on marijuana (a
100 percent tax) when he could grow it himself or buy some (illegally) from a neighbor.
Regular tobacco does not carry its economic weight. In 2007, the government collected $25 billion in tobacco taxes but spent more than $200 billion per year to cover health and other tobacco related costs. It is the same with alcohol: In 2007, governments collected $14 billion in alcohol taxes but spent $185 billion to cover health, crime, and other alcohol-related costs. The economics of legalized marijuana will be no different, and perhaps worse.
Then there are the practical problems of Prop 19. Homeowners growing pot in their backyards will become targets for pot thieves and attendant crime, just as areas immediately around medical marijuana dispensaries have already experienced an uptick in crime. And there remains the very real fact that possession, cultivation, and consumption of marijuana are still crimes under federal law - an inconvenient truth the act simply ignores. What are federal law enforcement officers to do?
Legalizing marijuana would serve little purpose other than to worsen the state's drug problems -addiction, violence, disorder, and death. Nor will such legalization produce a tax windfall for the state; rather, it will end up costing Californians billions in increased social costs.
Sound public policy should be based on facts, not smoke.
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