
Thursday, February 10, 2022

INVESTIGATE FDA/AMA & mass media campaign against Ivermectin Therapeutic Benifits for treating Covid

Never forget how the mainstream media deliberately confused veterinarian and human formulation doses, much as their predecessors did with Coca and higher dosage "Coca" products.

The U.S. National Library has reported favorably on the use of ivermectin - a patent expired medicine - for treating cases of Covid:

February 2021

Ivermectin, a US Food and Drug Administration-approved anti-parasitic agent, was found to inhibit severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) replication in vitro. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was conducted to determine the rapidity of viral clearance and safety of ivermectin among adult SARS-CoV-2 patients. The trial included 72 hospitalized patients in Dhaka, Bangladesh, who were assigned to one of three groups: oral ivermectin alone (12 mg once daily for 5 days), oral ivermectin in combination with doxycycline (12 mg ivermectin single dose and 200 mg doxycycline on day 1, followed by 100 mg every 12 h for the next 4 days), and a placebo control group. Clinical symptoms of fever, cough, and sore throat were comparable among the three groups. Virological clearance was earlier in the 5-day ivermectin treatment arm when compared to the placebo group (9.7 days vs 12.7 days; p = 0.02), but this was not the case for the ivermectin + doxycycline arm (11.5 days; p = 0.27). There were no severe adverse drug events recorded in the study. A 5-day course of ivermectin was found to be safe and effective in treating adult patients with mild COVID-19. Larger trials will be needed to confirm these preliminary findings. 

Nonetheless the USFDA postulates otherwise, focusing upon excessive use via formulations meant not for humans but for 900lb horses

Numerous media organs report simply against ivermectin, often citing nameless multiples of "medical experts" while failing to report what can be found by simply searching *ivermectin - U.S. National Library of Medicine*

And of course, thoroughly discredited medical monopoly trade organizations as the viciously mercantilistic American Medical Association- an entity long overdue for being sued into oblivion for starters their key role in the banning of Coca leaf for the sake of market protectionism for Tobacco cigarettes, circa 1907.

Why do these media organs, along with the AMA, almost never report on the US NLM findings?  Why not even mention the favorable conclusions, nor any reports or article to the contrary showing some sort of study, agreement and even disagreements there regarding ivermectin for treating Covid?

An investigation is needed into this mis-reporting by such media sources as CNN, MSNBC (Microsoft/Bill Gates NBC), the Daily Beast, Huff Post (what happened to Arianna Huffington over the past 15 or so years- did she join some club?), and even NPR.  How about issuing subpoenas to the people running these news outlets for interrogators - public and televised

If safety is an issue, why block the availability of human dose formulations?  Even the FDA's safety concerns are focuses upon excessive dosages from veterinarian formulations, especially taken without adequate dosage information.  And if ivermectin is dangerous in certain contexts, say with other medicines, then let the information be spread as to what to avoid taking it with.  So why is youtube blocking videos on that very topic?

If ivermectin turns out to be better some some cases of Covid than others, why the refusal to allow availability and conduct data gathering?

Why was CNN-MSNBC treating the head of the infamous American Medical Association as some sort of respectable figure and that organization as trustworthy?

Accordingly a dosage regimen of ivermectin costing less than $3.00 can be used to remarkably treat cases of Covid.  With proper availability (human dosage formulations) and advise (informing about interactions, ivermectin could make a considerable dent in Covid.

Yet the same type of folks who decry ivermectin tend to be very pro covid 'vaccine' despite the lack of testing routinely demanded for vaccines.  Go figure.

There MUST be a public investigation as to the obvious mass media conspiracy against non patented, as well as patent expired medications for potentially treating covid!

Particularly with the deceitful NPR National Public Radio.